So what needs to be done to meet the needs of consortium members at an early stage, without having to devote the necessary resources and time before being clearer about funding? The grant agreement is a contract between the consortium (all its partners) and the European Commission, while the consortium agreement is an internal agreement between the consortium partners – it settles all issues not covered by the grant agreement, but which are important for the internal functioning of the consortium (e.g. B work organization, e.g. structure, management of intellectual property, accountability, conflict resolution, future use and dissemination of results, etc.). A consortium agreement is a binding contract signed between the partners of a Horizon 2020 interconnection project. The Horizon 2020 grant agreement (Article 41(3)) states that `beneficiaries shall have internal provisions as regards their implementation and coordination in order to ensure the proper implementation of the action. These internal agreements must be the subject of a written “consortium agreement” between the beneficiaries under Horizon 2020. So what do you need to know about this agreement and the implementation process? Keep reading to learn more. The consortium agreement complements the grant agreement for Horizon 2020. While the grant agreement establishes the binding legal relationship between the European Commission and the project partners, the consortium agreement establishes and regulates the relationship between the partners themselves.